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Planning Board Minutes 04/01/2004
(603) 798-4350

April 1, 2004

PRESENT: Chairman Tracy Scott, Joanna McIntosh, Mike Stamowlaros, Richard DeBold, Brad Towle, Fred Chagnon, Stan Brehm, Skip Lawrence and Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Scott introduced the Board, and requested they review the minutes of March 4, 2004. The following changes were made to the March 4, 2004 minutes:

Page 1, first paragraph second line of Public Hearing for the Master Plan after computations of remove the first “the”

Page 3, Last paragraph referring to Mr. & Mrs. Talbot, second sentence: The Board add “made” it clear… next line Change “The” to “They” and the forth line “it self” to one word “itself”

Motion was made to accept the minutes with the changes.

                McIntosh/Lawrence                               (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING:                         MASTER PLAN

There was much discussion on the changes to the Master Plan. Tracy praised Mr. Giuda and the committee for a job well done. A request had been made for a review from a former planner of Central NH Regional Planning Commission, Mr. Walsh commended the committee for a job well done and made some suggestions. Mr. Giuda and other members of the committee were all in agreement that the Master Plan had all the information it needed, any other information that might be relevant is available at the town offices. Why would we want the Master Plan so big that it would confuse people instead of using it as the tool it was meant to be.

There being no further discussion a motion was made to accept the Master Plan from the committee.

                        Towle/McIntosh                  (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING                          Mark Drew
                                                Site Review – New Business
                                                Storage Units
                                                Map 4, Lot 167B, Horse Corner Road
Abutters present: Bob Shaw

Mr. Drew presented the Board with a hand drawn plan of the site. Chairman Scott explained that the plans need to be recordable with a Registered Land Surveyor’s stamp. Will remain on the agenda for a public hearing May 6, 2004

PUBLIC HEARING                          Don Talbot/Russell Nelson Property
                                                Site Review – New Business
                                                Window and Door Sales
                                                Map 3, Lot 17, Dover Road
Abutters present: Margaret Barrar

Mr. Talbot does not have a new plan for the Board tonight, but has come back to the Board to make sure he understands what the Board is looking for. Chairman Scott explained that he has all the information he needs with the site review checklist and if his surveyor follows it to the letter he will be fine. High intensity soil survey done by a soil scientist needs to be done and recorded on the plan, state septic approval and driveway permits need to be on the plan as well as wetlands setbacks. The Board was in agreement that property needs to meet the current zoning and all of the information that the Board has given Mr. Talbot for the plan has been in compliance with the current zoning and he needs to follow the site review checklist. The Board has requested information over the past few months that still is missing from the plan.

Public Hearing continued to May 6, 2004.

PUBLIC HEARING:                                 Mike Sargent
                                                        Map 8, Lot 50, Suncook Valley Road

Abutters present: Robert & Faye McAnney

Mr. Sargent presented the Board with final plans for this project. The plan includes dividing 18 ½ acres of land into one 10-acre parcel, which is where the business is now and three 2 ½ acre parcels.

The Board was in agreement that septic approvals for all the new lots less than 5 acres is required and test pits and approval numbers must be on the plan.

Motion was made to accept the plan with the septic approvals.

Lawrence/Stamowlaros                    (Passed)


Bob Mann and Jeff Andrews came before the Board tonight to suggest that a committee be formed to look into the wetland setback and buffer zones. They would like the committee to have the Building Inspector and at least one member of the Planning Board attend and work with the Conservation Commission and requesting help from Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission and New Hampshire Municipal Association. The Board was in agreement that a committee should be formed.


DISCUSSION:                             Fred & Alan Shaw
                                                Lot Line Adjustment
                                                Map 5, Lots 8, 8-2 & 8-4
                                                Main Street & Granny Howe Road

The Shaw brothers presented the Board with a plan to show how they wanted to adjust the lot lines at this time. The Board was in agreement that the wetlands needed to be delineated on the plan.

Design Review/Public Hearing set for May 6, 2004

DISCUSSION:                             Klia Ververidis
                                                New Business – Restaurant
                                                Map 4, Lot 159, Dover Road

Ms. Ververidis came to discuss with the Board of her family plans for the old restaurant. They will be creating a family style restaurant and need to know what to do next. Ms. Ververidis also would like to know if they can start remodeling now before the Board approves her site review, there will be no change in the foot print. The Board was in agreement that a building permit should be attainable for remodeling.

DISCUSSION:                             Chester Briggs
                                                Lot Line Adjustment
                                                Map 9, Lots 63, 74 and 75
                                                Ring and Kaime Roads

John Roke for Holden Engineering presented plans for the project, they will just be doing some cosmetic changes and creating no new substandard lots. There is a 3.2 acre lot that they would like to sell as a building lot and they want the lot lines to run with the stone wall to make the area feel like that is what it has for boundaries. The Board was in agreement that a test pit needs to be done and on the plan. Would like to do the final all in one night.

Design Review/Public Hearing set for May 6, 2004

DISCUSSION:                             Joe Austin
                                                Elderly Housing
                                                Map 3, Lot 68B, Trap and Dover Road

Webb Stout presented the Board with plans for this project. The intention is for 55 and older housing association; the existing home will be turned into 3 units. The houses will be 2 bedroom 1500 square feet to 2000 square feet all units will have individual sprinkler systems if this is acceptable with the fire department.

The Board was in agreement to have Mr. Austin proceed with getting a driveway approval from State of New Hampshire Department of Transportation District 5.

Mr. Austin will call when he is ready to continue.


DISCUSSION:                             Nextel – Cell tower
                                                George Chianis
                                                Map 3, Lot 29 Dover Road

Mr. Chianis is coming to the Board because Nextel would like to become a carrier on the cell tower they would come in below the carriers on the tower now. The Board was in agreement that this is still within the capacity of the existing tower.

No need for a decision from the Board.

DISCUSSION:                             Dickinson Cycle

The Board requests that they come and discuss the DMV request.

Motion to adjourn.

                Stamowlaros/Towle                       (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 10:30pm

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Tracy Scott